The Tattoos of Sylvester Stallone - Body Art
The Expendables shows Stallone can still make films, sort of…
Jeff Gogue tattoos Sylvester Stallone
Other tattoos in progress by Jeff Gogue
Nikolai Luzhin's Prison Tattoos – Eastern Promises
Attendees of past shows, Sylvester Stallone, Tommy Lee, Ice-T,
Após começar as filmagens de John Rambo, Stallone resolveu demonstrar seu
Rocky tattooed by The Wrestler. Sylvester Stallone and Mickey Rourke
Lionsgate today released a new poster for Sylvester Stallone's
Tattoo of the day. Posted by jacci stallone at 12:44 PM. Labels: tattoos
Convention of the tattoo arts · Jeff Gogue tattoos Sylvester Stallone
Jeff Gogue tattoos Sylvester Stallone