Beautiful Humming Bird Tattoo Designs for Girls

Beautiful Humming Bird Tattoo Designs for Girls
Beautiful Humming Bird Tattoo Designs for Girls
Beautiful Humming Bird Tattoo Designs for GirlsBeautiful Humming Bird Tattoo Designs for Girls

RANDOM TATTOO QUOTE: Your body is a temple, but how long can you live in the same house before you redecorate? ~Author Unknown

Nautical Stars Tattoo Design Female Lower Back

Stars Birds and Cherry Tattoo on Back

Dragon Tattoo design on Arms and Chest

Asian Sexy Arm Tattoo Design


"The human body is always treated as an image of society." ANTHROPOLOGIST MARY DOUGLAS

"A man without tattoos is invisible to the Gods." - Iban Proverb - Mingatt Anak Casa (Akai Basai), Iban Headman on the Sekerang River, Sarawak, Borneo - from The Vanishing Tattoo Documentary


"The woman must bear children and the man must be tattooed."
Polynesian Proverb

You may lose your most valuable property through misfortune in various ways. You may lose your house, your wife and other treasures. But of your moko, you cannot be deprived except by death. It will be your ornament and companion until your last day. -- Netana Whakaari of Te Waimana-Kaku, Tuhoe, 1921