Pin-up girl Angel Tattoo

Pin-up girl Angel TattooPin-up girl beautiful Angel Tattoo

RANDOM TATTOO QUOTE: Your body is a temple, but how long can you live in the same house before you redecorate? -- Author Unknown


My body is a journal in a way. It's like what sailors used to do, where every tattoo meant something, a specific time in your life when you make a mark on yourself, whether you do it yourself with a knife or with a professional tattoo artist. ----Johnny Depp

With the Haidas, however, every mark has its meaning … ---- James Swan, Tattoo Marks of the Haida, 1878.


My body is a journal in a way. It's like what sailors used to do, where every tattoo meant something, a specific time in your life when you make a mark on yourself, whether you do it yourself with a knife or with a professional tattoo artist. ----Johnny Depp

The universality of tattooing is a curious subject for speculation. ~James Cook, 1779

We're back

Sorry for the lack of action on this blog while we were in Japan.
I hope you've checked mine and Allan's personal blogs from time to time, at least they've been sort of active.

Today is the 30th and for some that means time to send your in submissions for some sweet, future Uncle A tattoos.
I just wanted to let you know that it's gonna be a little while before you'll get a reply to those mails.
I'm just gonna collect them all this week, and then get out the calendar and try to fit everybody in.
After that, i'll get back to you, so please don't mail me more than once.

Unfortunately, i can already tell that there won't be time for everyone this time around.
This is not because i don't want to give you all appointments (there's nothing i'd rather do) or because Allan doesn't want to tattoo you (if i didn't occasionally stop him, he'd tattoo all the friggin time).
It's simply because there's not enough time.
We're already booked for a really long time and we don't want to be booked so far into the future that it won't be possible for us to take a trip somewhere, or a day off once in a while, so we're gonna try to fit in as many as possible, and the rest will have to get back to us when we take new clients again.
The selection process is not gonna be first come, first served, so you still have all week to write me.
Ok, i think that's it!
If you don't get an appointment this time around, don't be discouraged, we'll open up for new clients again in a couple of months.

Oh, also, i'm starting to get a few Milan mails already too.
If we do Milan in February, it'll be the same deal as last year: walk ins only, and you'll be able to chose from a bunch of line drawings that'll only be tattooed once.
Kind of a custom flash type deal!
We don't take request for the flash, Allan is gonna do whatever he feels like, and if you like it, come by the booth and get it tattooed.
All be designs will be made to take around three hours and as usual he's not tattooing any weird or awkward spots.

Ok, now that's really it!
I'm actually super sick and the only known cure to this type of food poisoning* is Star Trek and Lucifer snuggles.

Just because no one likes a post with no pictures, here's one of us at Inkrat with our American buddies, Hata and Allans Singapore clients

*Damn you sushi, i have your image tattooed on my arm and this is how you repay me?

Kimono pattern awesomeness

Allan had two sessions on his back this weekend, both around six hours.
More pictures here.

By Shige at Yellow Blaze in Yokohama

Light as a feather

Allan did two of these little foot feathers (slightly different from each other, but i figured one photo was enough) AND that giant cover up on Wednesday.
He sure is busy here.
Tomorrow; Yokohama!

Ellie's first tattoo (or is this the second feather?)

Back in Koenji

So, now we're in Tokyo, Japan.
Me and Allan, that is, we left Nick, Eckel and Lucifer at home.
We arrived on saturday and today is... i don't even know, wednesday maybe?
Whatever day it is, it's damn good to be home!

Allan has been working a lot, there are pictures up on his blog already.
Besides that we're just hanging out with our Japanese/American posse.
This weekend Allan is gonna get some work done on his backpiece and the weekend after that we'll go to a mini convention in Osaka.
Oh, and we're going to a j-pop concert too, so awesome!

Today at Inkrat
Gui is getting some flames covered

Later tonight, Okonomiyaki at one of our favorite restaurants, yum!

Help? Anyone?

Since we'll soon be getting a lot more room (*insert excited squeal here*) we can finally get into doing some of the things that we've talked about doing for years, but never had the room for.
Like printing our own t-shirts and stuff like that!
But i know nothing about these things, so i thought i'd ask your advice, oh wise blog readers.

There's a ton of different screen printing stuff on ebay, everything from the very hobby-like to the very pro looking stuff and i'm... well, i'm confused.

All advice is welcome, comment away!

Angel tribal tattoo on shoulder

angel tribal tattoo on shoulderAngel tribal tattoo on shoulder

RANDOM TATTOO QUOTE: Tattoo the pristine flesh
What is permanent anyway?
This ink only lasts 'til the grave,
Skin and ideas decompose
That which we did compose. ----Corri Alius


But to become a freak one needs a strong character and unusual determination. ----George Burchett

My tattoo is a phoenix. I got the first when I was 16. I hid it for years. ----Ashley Scott

Think before you ink! ~Author Unknown


Giving birth was easier than having a tattoo. -- Nicole Appleton

Let your joy scream across the pain.

A tattoo is an affirmation: that this body is yours to have and to enjoy while you're here. Nobody else can control what you do with it. -- Don Ed Hardy

Realistic 3D Black Widow Spider Tattoo
Dog Tattoo With Crown - Loyalty Comes Free
Carpe Diem Ambigram Tattoo Design
Biomechanical Alien Tattoo Design on Hand
Anchor Birds and Waves Tattoo Design on Sidebody
Black ink Tattoo of Angel with Cross
Animated Tasmanian Devil Taz Tattoo on Arms
Jungle Animals back Tattoo Designs
Armband tattoo of Musical Notes and Guitar
Asian Style Koi Fish Tattoo Design on back
Aztec Style Sun Symbol Tattoo Design
Barbed Wire Legband Tattoo Design
Evil Teddy Bear Tattoo
Motorcycle racing Biker Tattoo Design on back
Biomechanical Armsleeves Tattoo Design
Black and Grey Flower Tattoo Design for Girls Sidebody tattoo
Bull Rider Tattoo Design on Leg
Ladybug Flowers and Leaf Tattoo on Foot
Car Tattoo Design - Hot Wheels
Cute Black Ink Cat Tattoo
Grim Reaper Death Tattoo on Back - The weak shall inherit nothing
 Monster Demon Head Tattoo with Flames
Full Color Dragonfly and Flower Tattoo Design
Tattoo of Dagger Stabbing a Heart
Heart and Crown Tattoo Design on Wrist
Crazy Clown Tattoo Design with Money Tattoo
Chinese Character for Love - Neck Tattoo Design
Four Leaf Clover Tattoo with Celtic Design
Black and Grey Cherub Angel Tattoo on Arms
Bow and Cherry Tattoo on back of Neck
Beautiful Celtic Deer Tattoo Design


Finally we have a decent picture of Sanna's backpiece!
Allan remembered to bring the good camera today, so hopefully this marks the end of the "shots-from-Amalie's-iphone" era.
Today they did a lot of green and a whole lotta pink.

Looking good, huh?
Even the rinse cup was a somewhat murky, but happy pink

We leave for Japan on friday, so if the next couple of weeks are a bit quiet, that's the reason.
I'll try to post some tattoo pictures while we're there, but i never know what the internet situation is like in our apartment.
We will also try to post regularly on our personal blogs, so keep checking in.


We went to the shop yesterday, on our day off.
We were actually just going to pick up some important mail, but since both Eckel and Nick were working, we ended up staying for hours, chatting and drinking coffee.

Eckels clients were a bit tired

And as if going to our own shop on a Saturday wasn't enough, we decided to ride down the street and check in on the Ripleys too.
They've been in Australia, so it'd been a while since we'd seen them, and even longer since we'd seen their shop.

Marija and Judd have just about the nicest shop you could ever imagine, here's a tiny little part of it:
Allan and Lucifer watching Judd work
Oscars area, Lucifer is so getting one of these in the new shop!
Back at Conspiracy, Eckel had moved on to the second client of the day

This is what Nick did yesterday, if you wanna see Eckels work... well, go bug him about that on his blog!